Disclosures in accordance with § 5 DDG:
Angaben gemäß § 5 DDG:
Aircraft Finance Germany GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 49, 60327 Frankfurt am Main Germany
Phone: +49 (69) 7680709900
Email: mk@afg.aero
Registry court: Local court of Frankfurt am Main
Register number: HRB 108651
(Registernummer: HRB 108651)
Authorised representative/Managing director: Christian Nuehlen
(Vertretungsberechtigter Geschäftsführer: Christian Nühlen)
VAT ID number in accordance with § 27a UStG: DE313144064
(Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer nach § 27a UStG: DE313144064)
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The information presented on this web site does not represent personalized advice and can not replace such. Our employees will provide you with detailed information and personal advice.
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© Aircraft Finance Germany GmbH 2025
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It is only permitted to insert a link to this web site if it leads to the www.afg.aero homepage and does not infringe any rights held by AFG.