
We are a team of aircraft professionals going the extra mile with our partners to conclude aircraft transactions in the most reliable and efficient way.

Christian Nuehlen

Deepak Sharma

Christian Hatje

Declan Meagher

Dr. Joerg Andriof

Spencer Thwaytes

Fouad Attar

Peter Koster

Ulf Gedamke

Seiji Yokoyama

Pedro Ibarra

Mauricio Guevara

Martin Walter

Richard Cepanauskas

James Hardman

René Kauert

Manuel Kliem

Alan Phelan

Thai Pham

Jalal Diab

Nikolay Potapov

José Zaidan Maluf

Palli Borg

Mehmet Can

Tohru Saito

Kira Chong

Chen Fei

Prashantt Singh

Eddie Kim

Alexandros Karydis

Experience the efficiency, flexible purchasing options and extensive inventory that have made AFG one of the leaders in the industry.